Enrich your experience as a Kelly Kirby teacher!

Share your love of music and piano by becoming a certified Kelly Kirby program member! Connect with a network of knowledgeable teachers around the world to share ideas, ask questions and learn about teaching the Kelly Kirby method together. Please note: Only teachers who have completed the Kelly Kirby Teacher’s course and received their Teacher’s Certificate may represent themselves as a Kelly Kirby Teacher on advertising media. We kindly ask teachers without their certificate to avoid doing so.

Not a certified Kelly Kirby teacher yet? Learn more about our Teacher’s course and membership program.

Scholarship Information

Scholarships for Kelly Kirby students are awarded annually every March for the previous year’s examination sessions. The deadline for applications is November 30th of the applicable examination year. Scholarships will be awarded for the highest mark in each grade, beginning with the Preparatory A Level up to and including ARCT, and will be issued in Canadian funds. Only one scholarship per student will be awarded; the highest grade out of all exams taken will be considered.

All Kelly Kirby graduates may apply for scholarships, regardless of their age or graduation date provided that their teacher is a Platinum Member of the Kelly Kirby Teacher’s Network. If multiple teachers are teaching in a studio, each teacher submitting students for scholarship must be a Platinum Member. Scholarship winners will be announced on the website. Cheques with an accompanying letter of congratulations will be prepared for each winner and will be distributed to the teacher for distribution. In the event of a tie, the scholarship will be split in half and distributed accordingly. 


Prep A and B
$50 each

Grade 1-4
$100 each

Grade 5-8
$150 each

Grade 9-10
$200 each


Please note: Teachers submitting applications must provide either a copy of their RCM profile from the RCM website showing their students’ marks OR a copy of their students’ adjudication results showing their mark. Providing merely a typed list of students’ names with their marks will not be accepted.


Workbooks and supplementary materials for the Kelly Kirby piano program can be purchased via our online store.

Kelly Kirby Lesson Books #1-4

There are four books unique in their presentation of ear training, sight reading, technique and theory. The Kelly Kirby program offers the beginning student a proper balance between the eye and the ear which is so vital to progress and success. A Kelly Kirby graduate can move to another teacher, or even another instrument, confident that a proper foundation has been provided.

Kelly Kirby Supplementary Workbook

The Kelly Kirby Supplementary Workbook provides a multitude of original compositions, traditional tunes, additional pictures, enhanced composer stories, and simple and fun theory exercises to support all of the teaching concepts introduced in the entire set of four lesson books. Printed in full color, this book gives students a much stronger grounding in the fundamentals of the Kelly Kirby music program.

Kelly Kirby Student Flashcards

Students are provided flashcards that compliment the four Lesson Books. The cards provide a way of reviewing each new concept as it is learned and are great for parents to use as reinforcement at home or while on vacation. The answers on the reverse side of the cards make it easy for parents with no musical training to review them with their children.

Kelly Kirby Lesson Books #1-4

There are four books unique in their presentation of ear training, sight reading, technique and theory. The Kelly Kirby program offers the beginning student a proper balance between the eye and the ear which is so vital to progress and success. A Kelly Kirby graduate can move to another teacher, or even another instrument, confident that a proper foundation has been provided.

Kelly Kirby Supplementary Workbook

The Kelly Kirby Supplementary Workbook provides a multitude of original compositions, traditional tunes, additional pictures, enhanced composer stories, and simple and fun theory exercises to support all of the teaching concepts introduced in the entire set of four lesson books. Printed in full color, this book gives students a much stronger grounding in the fundamentals of the Kelly Kirby music program.

Kelly Kirby Student Flashcards

Students are provided flashcards that compliment the four Lesson Books. The cards provide a way of reviewing each new concept as it is learned and are great for parents to use as reinforcement at home or while on vacation. The answers on the reverse side of the cards make it easy for parents with no musical training to review them with their children.